Fitness, Food and Photography

Follow me on my road to fitness… Because it's all about the journey, not the destination.

Last Things Thursday – 6/13/13

1. Last Food You Ate:

Tonight, we had grilled portabella mushrooms, but I forgot to take a picture of them.  So instead, I’ll give you a picture of the turkey burger I had last night at Fuddrucker’s.  We went there to celebrate hubby’s birthday with the family.

turkey burger

2: Last Beverage You Drank:

Water, of course!  🙂

3. Last Workout:

This morning I actually got up early and worked out before work!  (Yay me!)  I’m so not a morning person.  It usually takes me about 30 good minutes just to wake up after I’ve had a full cup of coffee.  But today, despite the 150% humidity, I went for a walk/run in my neighborhood anyways, which ALSO included hill sprints!!  It was awesome..  I had so much energy afterwards!

4. Last Thing you Pinned:

Who doesn’t love these funny e-cards?

But how awesome is this …..  ?!?!  We read ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ on a regular basis in my house.

5. Last Text Message You Sent:

To my friend Alice ….  “What time is the party tomorrow night?”

6. Last Blog You Visited:

My girl, Daisy, over at  She is a super sweet, weight-lifting, dog-loving Aussie.  I love reading her blog and her progress.

7. Last Place You Visited:

Work.  Does that count?

8. Last Show You Watched:

Extreme Weight Loss.  Chris Powell is hands-down my favorite trainer ever!  Love him.  He is so compassionate and motivational.

9. Last Thing You Baked:

Technically, the last thing I baked were homemade brownies for a party on Sunday.  But since I didn’t take a picture of the brownies, I’ll post a pic of the Minnie Mouse cookies and cupcakes I made for my daughter’s 3rd birthday two weeks ago ….

minnie mouse cupcakes

10. Last Photo You Instagrammed:


Daylilies are my second favorite flower (behind daisies of course).  I just wish they stuck around a little longer than they do.

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I’m Back! … And Happy 1st Blogiversary!

Hello everyone!!  I’m back!  I’ve missed you all.  How are you doing??  (I got out of the habit of updating the blog, so the last couple of weeks I’ve been procrastinating in writing this post.  Instead I’ve been enjoying all the things I’ve neglected over the last semester.)  I have so much to catch you up on!!

So you’ve probably wondered what I’ve been up to while MIA from the Blog.  Well…I’ve been busy, that’s for sure!!   I’ve been taking 8 hours of online college credit courses with Barton Community College:  Anatomy & Physiology I & II.  And I made 2 A’s!!!  What up!

They have an excellent online program that I would highly recommend to anyone who needs to get college credit from an accredited school.  The great thing about this Community College is that it feeds right into Kansas State University.

Why do I care about Kansas State you ask?  It has the only online Dietetics program that’s accredited by ACEND.  You see, I thought I wanted to be a Registered Dietitian.  (I still do).  So I was taking the pre-requisite courses to help get me into the program.  While I already have my Bachelor’s Degree in Business, I was prepared to go back to school to get a new degree.

But I quickly found out that having a husband, two kids, a full time job AND taking classes was a bit much.  More than a little overwhelming.  I’m not completely giving up my dream of being a R.D. just yet.  But for now, while my kids are little, I don’t want to spend all my extra time studying.  I want to enjoy my kids.  So I’m going to put this on hold while I pursue other things.

Oh, and on top of those 2 classes, I was also studying for my ACE Fitness Personal Trainer certification.  I ordered the books back in December and I had 6 months to take the test.  I may have procrastinated a little in the first few months, but I hit the books hard for the last 3 or 4.  It was a TON of information!  There’s a reason they give you 6 months.  You need it!!!


It was a hard, hard test.  But I am happy to report that I passed !!  I am officially an ACE certified Personal Trainer!!  Now the question is … what exactly am I going to do with that?  I don’t know for sure.  I’d love to take on a few clients on the side, just for fun.  I love motivating people.  But actually, I got the PT cert in order to get the Health Coach certification.  Ultimately, I would love to be a Health Coach.  So we’ll see what life has in store.

Also, I didn’t want to miss out on celebrating my One-Year Blogiversary.  I started this blog a year ago as a way to keep myself motivated. (Read my first post here).  Even though I enjoy motivating others, I still need help motivating myself sometimes.  I have the same vices as anyone else – beer/wine and ice cream!  I think it’s okay to indulge once in a while as long as you eat healthy the other 90% of the time.  I love food.  I love cooking and creating recipes.  I love being a part of this Blogger community.  You guys are great.

So that’s what’s new in my life!  What’s going on with you??

Stay tuned for lots of updates (including a Blog makeover) coming soon.


~ Katie 🙂


I Could Save A Life…

… in theory.  Why?  Because I am now CPR certified!!!  That was actually my first time going through a certification class.  Sure, the hospital taught us the techniques when we brought the babies home, but that was only infant CPR.  Now I am officially certified in adult CPR.  AND I know how to use the AED machine!  (which is super easy – just turn it on – it’s dummy proof!!)

cpr training

I was really kinda dreading the class, knowing I would have to practice on dummies, but it was fun.

What led me to sign up for the certification class, though, was the fact that when I went to register for my ACE Fitness test, I realized that I couldn’t even register for an exam until I had the CPR certification.  I knew I had to be certified before I took the exam, but I didn’t know I had to be certified before I could even register for it.  So I panicked.  I needed to find the closest class available.

cpr and aed trained

I had to wait another 3 weeks before the class was held.  I was so afraid that the test spots would fill up in the meantime.  I had already missed out on the closest exam date held in Knoxville.  I was already going to have to drive to Chattanooga to take the test now.

But now that it’s over, I am officially signed up for my ACE Fitness Test.  It’s just slightly less than 6 weeks away.  So I better get cracking!!!

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Diet Bet Results and Shoe Review

Do you remember me telling you about the Diet Bet I was doing?  Well, Wednesday was the last day.  We needed to submit our final weight by midnight.  The deal was we had to lose 4% in 4 weeks.  And I am very happy to report that both hubby and I made it!  I only had to lose roughly 5 pounds, and he needed to lose around 10.

Here’s a little secret … I actually woke up on Wednesday morning and was 0.2 pounds over my goal weight.  I knew the numbers had to be exact.  So what did I do?  Well, I only had yogurt for breakfast, yogurt for lunch and then went for a hot and sweaty run after work.  It was 85 degrees outside.  (And it was also only 3 days after the Half Marathon, but my legs felt great.)

hot sweaty run

That did it.  It put me under the goal!  Was it cheating?  I don’t think so.  I also don’t think I should have lost $25 over two-tenths of a pound when I had legitimately lost 4.8 pounds already.  Plus, my original weigh-in was at night.  So it’s actually only fair that I weigh at the same time of day.  Right?

I received the confirmation email that our $25 bet turned into a $44 winning.  Yay.  Not too shabby.  So how did we celebrate our win?  With a burger and fries.  LOL

homemade burger

So what did I think of the Diet Bet?  I thought it was quite motivational.  And I think I might do it again.  But the next 5 pounds won’t be as easy to lose.  It also helped that I was (sorta) training for the Half Marathon.  Maybe I need to find another race to train for in the coming month.  (What??  I can’t believe I’m saying that!)

One thing I didn’t tell you about the race was that was the FIRST time I ran in my brand new shoes!  Yes, it was a huge risk.  But I knew if I ran in my old shoes I would definitely get blisters.  They give me blisters even on a short run.  I knew they wouldn’t last for 13.1.  So I visited a local running store a week before the race to get fitted for new shoes.  We tried on a number of different brands – Adidas, Asics, Brooks, Saucony, etc.  But the minute I put my foot in the Mizuno Wave Prophecy, I knew they were the ones!!  I asked the shoe guy if it was crazy to buy a brand new pair of shoes a week before the race.  He said not if it’s the right pair!  Hmm.  Interesting.  Well, these were definitely the right pair!!

mizuno wave prophecy

If you’ve never actually had your foot measured and evaluated at a specialty shoe store, I highly recommend it.  I’d always just ordered my shoes online.  I always ordered a Size 7 because that’s what I wear in every other pair of shoes.  But did you know that you should order a 1/2 size up on a running shoe?  I didn’t know that.  Part of the problem with the old shoes is that they were too tight!!  No wonder they gave me blisters.  I also thought I was an overpronator, as most people are.  So I would specifically search out the shoes that were good for overpronation.  But that was wrong, the shoe guy told me I have a neutral foot.  So I needed a neutral shoe.  I had no idea!!

new shoes

These are the most expensive shoes I’ve ever purchased!  But in my opinion, they were worth every penny.  They carried me through the race with no issues.  I was also told that these shoes will last twice as long as others because it doesn’t break down.  So that’s worth the extra money too.  If you have a neutral foot, I highly recommend the Mizuno Wave Prophecy!  I think I’ve found my new favorite shoes.

Questions of the Day:  Have you ever raced in brand new shoes?  What is your favorite brand of running shoe??

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2013 Knoxville Half Marathon Recap

Well the big day finally arrived, ready or not.  And I was not.  Well, not as ready as I should have been.  I knew I should have been training more, running farther.  My longest training run prior to the race was 6.5 miles.

I had been looking forward to this race for months.  I was determined not to let the lack of training or this sinus congestion keep me out of the race.

So I got up early, took my Mucinex-D before the race (which did not help at all), ate my oatmeal, and drank 1/2 cup of coffee.  I left the house around 6:40am to drive downtown.  I had a couple of friends who were also running the race, but we just agreed to meet in the corral.

before the race

The race started at 7:30am in downtown Knoxville, next to the famous Sunsphere.


There were over 5,000 people there for 3 different races – 5k, Half and Full Marathon.


The weather was PERFECT!  In years past, it’s usually cold and foggy or drizzly, but this year it could not have been more perfect!  It started out at 56 degrees and only improved from there.

The first 3 miles went great as we wound through campus onto Neyland Drive.  Just after turning left on Kingston Pike, I took a quick bathroom break.  There was a short line and I knew if I didn’t go then, the line would be longer at the next one.  I was feeling really good as we turned into Sequoyah Hills and ran the length of Cherokee Blvd.  I was happy with my 10k time at 1:01.  The 7-mile mark is just at the base of the Noelton Drive hill.  Imagine the tallest, steepest hill you’ve ever seen, and this one is taller and steeper.  My strategy going in was to walk the hill.  I even ate my GU while I walked up the hill.  Sure I could have run it, but then I would have worn myself out and there’s still 6 more miles to go after that!

I felt a jolt of energy at the top of Noelton Drive, as we turned left onto Kingston Pike.  I don’t know if it was the screaming crowd of people or the GU kicking in, but I got my second wind.  I was still feeling good as we entered the Third Creek Greenway, and when I saw the sign for 9 miles, I thought it was wrong.  I didn’t think I had gone that far yet.  I started smiling.  Only 4 more miles left.

And then WHAM!  I hit the wall.  Around the 10-mile mark, my knee joints were killing me.  I feared my IT band would start flaring up as it has in the past.  I just kept pushing through, but stopping to walk more frequently than I wanted to.

endomondo half

Those last 3 miles were pure HELL.  I even stopped looking at my watch.  I was no longer concerned about my time.  Going into the race, I wasn’t expecting to PR.  But I secretly wanted to try for it.  At this point, though, I just wanted to finish.  I just wanted this race to be over.  Why did I think I could run 13.1 miles when I haven’t trained more than 6.5??????

And then I could see the stadium in my sights.  There is no better feeling than crossing the finish line of a race!  And this race ends on the 50-yard line of Neyland Stadium at the University of Tennessee!  I’ve been in those stands many times, so it’s an awesome feeling to be on the field after such an accomplishment.

finish line

Only 3 minutes behind last year’s time.  How is that possible??  Now I’m thinking – just imagine if I’d pushed a little harder on those last 3 miles.  Just imagine if I’d had a few training runs at 8 or 10 miles.  With a tiny bit of additional effort, I could have beat last year’s time.

So then I started wondering …. when’s the next race??  How soon can I try this again?

Here are my split times:

Mile 1-  9:24

Mile 2-  8:48

Mile 3-  8:58

Mile 4-  11:42 (included the bathroom break)

Mile 5-  10:29

Mile 6-  9:33

Mile 7-  10.02

Mile 8-  11:36 (included the walk up Noelton Dr)

Mile 9-  10:25

Mile 10- 11:06 (it just goes downhill from here)

Mile 11-  12:10

Mile 12- 12:06

Mile 13- 11:36

race results

I’m always curious about what people are listening to while they run.   And I’m amazed at the number of people who didn’t have headphones at all.  For a short run, I usually let my mind wander and think about the things on my To Do list.  But for a long run, the only thing getting me through it is my music.

I spent a few hours on Saturday perfecting my playlist.  Here it is:

1. The Delta Saints – Company of Thieves

2. The Delta Saints – Death Letter Jubilee

3. The Delta Saints – Liar

4. The Delta Saints – Voodoo Walk

5. The Delta Saints – Swamp Groove

6. The Delta Saints – Boogie

7. The Delta Saints – Bird Called Angola

8. The Dirty Guv’nahs – Baby We Were Young

9. The Dirty Guv’nahs – Brown Little Bird

10. The Dirty Guv’nahs – Blue Rose Stroll

11. The Dirty Guv’nahs – It’s Dangerous

12. Big Head Todd & The Monsters – Resignation Superman

13. Zac Brown Band – Chicken Fried

14. Zac Brown Band – Make This Day

15. Matt Nathanson – Faster

16. Matt Nathanson – Modern Love

17. Beastie Boys – Make Some Noise

18. Beastie Boys – An Open Letter to NYC

19. Beastie Boys – 3 the Hard Way

20. Beastie Boys – Ch-Check It Out

21. Beastie Boys – Time to Build

22. Shinedown – Diamond Eyes

23. LMFAO – Party Rock Anthem

24. Kanye West – Stronger

25. Foo Fighters – Best of You

26. Switchfoot – Stars

27. Skillet – Awake and Alive

28. Shinedown – Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide

29. Shinedown – Sound of Madness

30. Kings of Leon – Sex on Fire

31. Halestorm – I Get Off

32. Slipknot – Before I Forget

33. Eminem – Lose Yourself

Yes, I realize it’s a WIDE range there.  Rock, Country, Metal, Rap.  But they all motivate me in one way or the other.   I made sure the harder rock songs kicked in around mile 7, which is when I would need a little more motivation.

I timed it almost perfectly.  Eminem sang to me during the home stretch, but then the playlist started back at the beginning and The Delta Saints brought me home.

after the race

I was so glad hubby was there to watch me cross the finish line.  And I don’t know if Little Bit understood what I had just accomplished but she seemed really excited for me.

endomondo app

As soon as I got home, I knew the best thing for me was an ice bath.  No, it doesn’t feel good.

ice bath

For dinner, we met my Mom, Aunt and Cousin at the Cracker Barrel.  My post-race dinner included spicy grilled catfish, fried okra and green beans.  YUM!!!

catfish dinner

And now that I write this 3 days later, I’m feeling really good.  I was really stiff the day after, but the DOMS are completely gone now.  Might even go for a run tonight.  (In the 85 degree weather)!

Question of the Day:  Which race should I do next????


Weekend Update: It’s Been A While

Wow – has it really been 3 weeks since I posted???  Sorry, guys.  Life has gotten so crazy lately.  Plus, the germs have been running rampant in my house.  Hubby is just now getting over a virus he’s had over 2 weeks!!  I managed to get the crud, too, just before the big race.  (I’ll get to that later).

I’ve been taking pictures and constructing blog posts in my head, they just never made it to the computer screen.  In fact, when I logged in just now, I realized that I had 3 working drafts for 3 different posts that I never finished.  Oops.  Part of the problem, though, is that when the pictures don’t upload quickly or WordPress is being difficult, I just walk away.

So I’ll try to catch you up quickly, through pictures:

protein waffle mix

One thing I’ve been doing every weekend is making protein waffles!!  The kids love waffles, but I hate buying the frozen kind with sketch ingredients.

homemade protein waffles

So I’ve been having fun with some recipe testing!  Once I perfect the recipe, I’ll post it.

The first batch was vanilla, and the second batch used chocolate protein powder!  Yum!

chocolate protein waffles

I did enjoy a Girls Night Out one weekend!  Half price sushi and $10 off bottle of wine at the Stir Fry Cafe on Saturdays!  Gotta love that!!

sushi at stir fry cafe

me and gretchen

Niki and Jennifer

My weekends have mostly consisted of a lot of studying …..


… And eating!!  Since everyone in the house was sick, I made a pot of Chicken Noodle Soup, which lasted for days.

chicken noodle soup

I love salmon.  It might be my favorite food.  I also attempted to make mashed cauliflower, but it didn’t turn out so “mashed”.  It looks like rice on the plate.  But with a little garlic, salt and pepper, it tasted pretty good.

salmon dinner

Homemade Chicken/Black Bean/Spinach Enchiladas.  Even the kids devour these.  A pan like this lasts for days.

chicken enchiladas

Being sick meant we spent a lot of time on the couch….

sweet kids

…. watching movies together….  We watched ‘Wreck It Ralph’ (twice!), ‘Hotel Transylvania’, and some other random Redbox find that wasn’t that good.

watching a movie together

But THIS weekend in particular, I was getting ready for my Half Marathon….

I woke up on Monday with horrible sinus congestion, but I was determined not to let it stop me from running the race.  So I asked all my FB friends what their best remedy for nasal congestion was.  Half said Mucinex D and the other half said a neti pot.  So, I decided to do both!!

cold remedies

That Mucinex D really works!!  It didn’t completely dry me up, but enough where I didn’t feel like my head was in the clouds.

So Saturday, we headed downtown to pick up my race paket from the Expo…..  I was starting to get a little nervous.

downtown knoxville

I chose Trader Joe’s spinach tortellini as my carb-loading pre-race meal.  Yum.

pre-race meal

I’ll save all the details of the race for my next post.  (Which I promise not to take quite as long to post)

Here’s the starting line….  The temperature was 54 degrees.  It was the perfect day!

the starting line

I was hoping and praying my new shoes would carry me to the finish line!  Yes, I said BRAND NEW shoes!  I know that’s totally crazy, but that’s just how I roll.

new shoes

And after the race …..  boy, was I glad it was over.

after the race

The first 10 miles were awesome, and the last 3 were pure hell.  But I made it, congestion and all.  And only 3 minutes behind last year’s PR!

Final chip time:  2:19:18.  I’ll take it.

Stay tuned for the details.  It was a GREAT race.  I’m already wondering when my next one will be!

So that’s what’s marvelous in my Monday.

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Weekend Update: No Green Beer for Me!

The weather was simply gorgeous this weekend with highs in the 70’s both Saturday and Sunday.  I couldn’t resist the opportunity for a long run.  We took the kids to my favorite park.  Hubby let them play on the playground while I ran.

car seat

I had to keep reminding myself that I am running a Half Marathon in 3 weeks!!!  So far, this run was my longest to date: 6.5 miles.  I guess I’m not too worried because I also did the same thing last year.  I focused on more anaerobic training rather than long runs and I got a PR!  So I figure now, if I can run 6.5, I can 13.1.  Right?

lakeshore trail

But I’ve got a small dilemma in the shoe department.  These Asics are fairly new (since Christmas).  I like them ok, but after about 4 miles, my feet start to hurt.  And they rubbed a huge blister on my toe.  So that’s not going to work for the marathon.  But I’m afraid if I buy a new pair now, I’m not going to have time to break them in before the race.  Or I could wear an old pair with a hole in the toe.  EEK – what would you do???

running legs

I was so excited to try out my brand new heart rate monitor!!  I ordered the Polar FT4 after seeing more than a couple of bloggers using this one.  I had a Timex brand, but the chest strap would never consistently pick up my heart rate.  So this was my first run using the Polar.  I’m converted.  This one is WAY better.  There was still a period of time (about a mile or so) where it didn’t detect my heart beat.  I readjusted the strap, wiped off the sweat, and a few minutes later it started working again.  I love how it displays the time and the calories burned at the end.  And it also keeps a training log so I can go back and look at my workouts.  Now that’s pretty cool!

polar heart rate monitor

When the run was over, hubby and the kids met me in the parking lot with Subway in hand.  We found a nice spot in the grass to lay our blanket and devour eat our sandwiches.  I was starving!!!


This month’s featured $5 footlong sub is the buffalo chicken!  One of my favorites.  Hubby and I always split a foot long.  The kids are hit or miss whether they will eat Subway or not.  Luke likes the bacon, egg & cheese on flatbread.


Not my favorite pic here but the only one we got of me and the kids.  Ignore the red face and dried sweat….  and little bit has jelly all over her face.

me and the kids

My 7-year old spent the night with a buddy, so hubby and I enjoyed a semi-quiet house on Saturday night.  He grilled us some salmon while I opened a bottle of wine.  Aaahhhh……  relaxing!

salmon dinner

Sunday was a busy day.  So busy, in fact, I never took a single picture!  I am happy to report that I finished my Anatomy & Physiology class.  I got a 95!!  Yippeeee!

So that was my Marvelous weekend.  No green beer.  No St. Patty’s Day celebrations.  Nothing too wild.  Just food, fitness and fun.  (and a little studying)!  🙂

I’m hoping for more days just like that.  I need the warm air and the sun for my mental health!!  Winter is so depressing.


What I Ate Wednesday: 3/13/13

Wednesday.  My favorite day of the week.  Why?  You get to see what I ate today.  🙂

I know some people use the WIAW post to share pictures of the food they’ve eaten this week or over the weekend.  But I take the ‘What I Ate Wednesday’ title very seriously.  This is literally what I ate on Wednesday ….  Most of this was posted on Instagram (katiedaisy921), so if you follow me, you’ve probably already seen all these pictures …..

So today was Day 2 of the Fitfluential Diet Bet.  And I am very motivated to keep it up right now.  So I started the day with one of my famous Kale Protein Shakes.  These are seriously my favorite breakfast.  High in protein, high in vitamins, and very filling.  YUM!

kale protein shake

I sipped on it in the car.   Thankgoodness for heated seats or I’d be an icicle by the time I got to work drinking that frozen shake.

Despite the cold temperatures, it was a beautiful morning.


We took a client out for lunch today.  This particular client works in an area where there aren’t a lot of restauarant options.  Since it’s standard practice to ask the client where they would like to eat, I have to just go along with the decision.  The client chose O’Charley’s, which is probably one of my least favorite restaurants.

I immediately jumped on the internet to check out the nutritional data.

Good thing I did, too.  The salad I would have ordered, the Chicken Apple Spinach Salad, had over 1,000 calories and 71 carbs!!  Yikes!  So instead I got the California Chicken Salad, a half order with the dressing on the side.

And you know what?  It was actually really good.  I would order that again.  Now, I don’t mean I am going to drive to O’Charley’s just to get that salad.  But if someone forces me to eat there again, I know which salad I’m getting!

california chicken salad

I was really craving a sweet snack this afternoon.  Thankfully, I had this Trader Joe’s dark chocolate bar in my desk.

No, I didn’t eat the whole bar.  I had one little square, I swear.

afternoon snack

I really wanted to get a long run in this afternoon.  But today was the one day of the week when the temperatures dipped down in the 40’s (while the rest of the week was supposed to be in the 60’s).  So I opted for an inside workout today, so I can save my run for a warmer day.

Max Interval Circuit was the video I chose for today.  I think I sweated more in just the warm up than I would have if I’d gone running!!  Insanity is no joke!  That’s tuff stuff.  But I loved it!!

insanity workout

After the workout, it was time for some dinner.  I was starving!!

Usually, I will make tacos on Tuesday night (just because I love alliteration and ‘Taco Tuesday’ has such a nice ring to it.)  🙂

But we didn’t do the tacos on Tuesday and my kids were asking for them.  So I turned my taco into a salad.

This was so quick and easy ….  the time it took to make was just the time necessary to brown the ground chicken.

Here’s the ‘before’….

salad before dressing

And the ‘after’ ….  with ranch dressing and sriracha squeezed on top.

taco salad with ranch and sriracha

And here are my kids eating their double decker tacos.  I swear, neither one of them can keep their shirts on.  LOL

kids eating tacos

Well, there you have it …. Wednesday’s eats. I also managed to drink about 60 oz of water today. I was shooting for around 80 oz, but didn’t quite make it. I am proud that I didn’t have any snacks after dinner. I had gotten in a bad habit of spreading some Trader Joe’s cookie butter on a graham cracker (or two) before bed. But since we started the Diet Bet, I’m going cold turkey on the cookie butter!!

Questions of the Day: What did you eat on Wednesday?? Have you tried Insanity? And what is your favorite bedtime snack??


Mid-Week Motivation: 3/13/13

Happy Hump Day everyone!!

I had a really hard time getting up this morning.  I don’t think my body has adjusted to the time change yet.  Anyone else struggling with getting up?  Don’t get me wrong – I LOVE the daylight savings time change.  I am so grateful to get that extra few hours of sun in the evening!!  I just have a hard time waking up.

While sipping my coffee this morning, I was perusing Pinterest looking for some motivation.  I ran across these quotes and thought they were rather inspiring, so I thought I would share them with you ….


Just in case you needed a little boost like I did.  🙂

never give up

Have a great Wednesday!!  What is it that you will do today to help you get closer to your goals??  Me?  I’m going for a long run tonight.  🙂

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Back on the Bandwagon with DietBet

It’s been a busy winter, and the cold has gotten the better of me.  I realized as I stepped on the scale yesterday, I’ve gained 7 pounds since last Fall.  7 pounds?!?  Yikes.  Spring is just around the corner and before you know it, it will be summer.  Time for shorts and sleeveless shirts.  So that means it’s time to get back on the bandwagon.  I need to get serious, especially since I have a Half Marathon to run in less than 4 weeks!!  And what better way to get motivated than to have money at stake!!  So Hubby and I both signed up for the Fitfluential DietBet!  It starts today, runs for 4 weeks and you have to lose 4% of your body weight.  Totally doable.  Click HERE for more details on DietBet.

Want to join me??  Sign up HERE.
