Fitness, Food and Photography

Follow me on my road to fitness… Because it's all about the journey, not the destination.

What I Ate Wednesday: 4/17/13

Yesterday was Wednesday.  So I tried to remember to take photos of my food all day.  Thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting this fun link up every week.

As I said in my last post, it’s been a really busy week!!  I’ve hardly had the time to blog at all.  It’s not that I haven’t thought about it.  I’ve planned the posts in my head, but finding the time to sit down and write is hard.  Too many other things have been taking precedence lately.

The day started with a kale shake, of course.  (I forgot to take a photo, so this is actually an old one)….

kale shake

Busy day at work!!  So I hopped over to the Food City across the street to make myself a salad from the salad bar.  Apparently there was some shifting during transit.  My cheese and sunflower seeds ended up mixed in with my berries.  Eh.  That’s ok.  I ate it anyway.

food city salad

After a busy day at work, I didn’t feel much like cooking.  There’s not a whole lot easier than grilled pork chops, corn on the cob and (instant) mashed potatoes.  I love the Idahoan kind.  (Baby Reds are my fave).  They are so easy and really do taste like real mashed potatoes.

pork chop dinner

And of course, I couldn’t resist snapping a photo of the interesting sunset out my window with the sun peeking out behind the storm clouds.


And I’ll throw in a pic of the kids ….  they love bath time….

kids in the bath

Oh, and I signed up for another Diet Bet!!  I needed a little extra motivation to get my body ready for bikini weather.

What I love about Diet Bet is – it’s not on the honor system.  They verify your starting weight and and your final weight with pictures.  And they ensure that you are taking a new picture each by giving you a new word to hold.  (I thought my word was very fitting …. I love sunflowers)!

You also have to take a picture of the scale with the number on it, but I’m not posting that photo.  🙂

diet bet pic

So I’ve got 28 days to lose 4%!  It’s on.

If you want to join a Diet Bet, new games are starting all the time  Or, start your own game!



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Weekend Recap: Chocolate Wine and Cake Ballz

Once again, better late than never.  🙂  I seem to have a hard time getting a blog out on a Sunday or a Monday.  Not sure exactly why that is all about, but I’m not going to let it stop me from posting a weekend recap.

First of all, do you remember me telling you about this chocolate wine I found for Valentines Day??  I never imagined I would see it again until next February.  Well, imagine my shock and surprise when I found it at a local liquor store on Friday… AND there was a $10 mail in rebate if you bought 3 bottles.  Duh.  Guess how many I bought???  lol

chocolate rouge

That was my idea of a fun Friday night!!  🙂   And this was the kids’ idea ….  naked and playing video games.  They are so funny.  Of course, she is not actually playing that Nintendo DS, she is just pushing buttons.

kids playing

Saturday was a beautiful day!  So I had to take my daughter out for a walk in the neighborhood.  I actually started out on the treadmill with an episode of Biggest Loser, but then realized that I would be much better served to take it outside.  Our neighborhood is really hilly, so it’s a great workout pushing a stroller up all the hills.

You do realize that you can’t take a walk without Mickey, Minnie AND George, right??

walking the neighborhood

After the walk and the shower, we were headed down to my in-laws house for an afternoon gathering.  It’s an hour-long drive in the car.  The little one wouldn’t nap.  So that made for a really evening… and night.  Why is it that if they don’t get their nap in, they then don’t sleep well at night.  You would think they’d be so tired that they’d sleep great!  Not with this one.

Dinner was Taco Soup with a variety of toppings.  It was fun watching how everyone made their soup.  Some put chips on the bottom, some on the top, and of course, mine are on the side.  Everyone’s was different.

taco soup

You know me ….  I have to take a pic of the beautiful sunset ….

sunset through the three

If it’s a birthday in hubby’s family, then carrot cake is standard issue.  It was delicious!!

happy birthday

And finally, no birthday is complete without cake balls!!  Red Velvet Cake Ballz.  (My specialty)  And a favorite with the fam.

cake ballz

Most of Sunday was spent doing homework.  I still had a massive chapter on muscles to finish reading, homework to do, discussion questions to answer, and a test to take!  But I am happy to report I got a 93 on my test!  Yipee.

It was another beautiful day so I made sure I took the time to get outside for another walk with the babe in the stroller.  My workout actually started on the treadmill with an episode of ‘The Biggest Loser’ but then decided I would be better served to take my workout outside.

Question of the Day:  Have you ever made cake balls before?  And what is your favorite treat on your special day??


What I Ate Wednesday: 2/20/13

Happy Hump Day everyone!!  Who is ready for a little sunshine and warm weather??  I know I am!!  It was just a ‘blah’ day outside today.  And it was much colder than expected.

This morning, we were in a bit of a hurry to get out the door.  So that meant we didn’t have time for our usual kale shakes.  😦

Instead, there was leftover scrambled eggs with spinach in the fridge.  So I heated it up, placed it atop some fresh spinach; dabbed some red pepper jelly on a Trader Joe’s British muffin, and called it breakfast.  Not too bad.

egg sandwich

Lunch was at my desk:  almonds, yogurt and a hard-boiled egg.

lunch collage

Yes, you read that correctly ….  coffee flavored almonds  !!!!  But wait.

I really had high hopes for them.  I mean, I love coffee. And I love almonds.  I especially love Blue Diamond!  So how could you go wrong?!?  But sadly, I was disappointed.

Read it again.  It’s roasted coffee.  Maybe that was the problem.  I’m not sure.  I think I’ll stick with the other Blue Diamond flavors I love so much (like wasabi, habanero BBQ, honey dijon, lime & chili, etc etc)

By the time I got home, I was exhausted.  Could not stop yawning.

I declared a no-cook night.  Thankfully there was a Newman’s Own pizza in the freezer for the kids.  (I tried a bite of Luke’s and it was pretty good)!

frozen pizza

And I made myself a big salad.  With sriracha, of course!!  No dinner is complete without sriracha!  🙂

big salad

I have to include a photo of the sunset.  You know I’m obsessed with sunsets.

sunset tonight

And finally, I will leave you with a funny story ……

I will occasionally leave notes in my son’s lunchbox or hubby’s lunch bag.  I just like the surprise of finding a little love note later.  So yesterday morning, I was sitting at my desk and I needed something from my purse.  I reached in, only to discover that Luke had left me a love note!!

How sweet, I thought.  Then I read the note …..  I couldn’t stop laughing all day …….

love note

“I hope you get the orange off” ….  he’s referring to the fact that my hands are a little orange after my spray tan.  I had gone after the kids were in bed.  So he didn’t even know I had gotten a spray tan.  The next morning I was fixing his breakfast when he noticed my hands.  Honestly, they aren’t THAT bad.  But I will say – it was my first ever spray tan.  Now I know to put a little more of the barrier cream on the hands and feet next time.  That is, if I go again.  I mean,  I like the look of the tan, but I did not like the experience.  The claustrophobic little capsule and the spraying in the face – it’s enough to traumatize a person.  Ok, maybe I’m being a little dramatic.  All I could think about before walking in was that episode of ‘Friends’ where Ross forgets to turn.  Thankfully, I turned.  🙂

Question of the Day:  Have you done a spray tan before?   And what is your favorite flavor of almonds??


Weekly Photo Challenge: Kiss

From WordPressKiss. There are a lot of ways to capture a kiss, between two people – lovers, family, friends; two animals, or even just the sending or receiving of a kiss.  In a new post specifically created for this challenge, share a picture which means KISS to you!

I could think of no better photo than this.

One of the first few times I was able to hold my daughter.  She was born at 24 weeks at 1 lbs, 9 oz.  In this photo she is about 3 weeks old.


New to The Daily Post? Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals and give you another way to take part in Post a Day / Post a Week. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.

Here’s how it works:

1. Each week, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog (a new post!) anytime before the following Friday when the next photo theme will be announced.

2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos, title your blog post “Weekly Photo Challenge: (theme of the week)” and be sure to use the “postaday″ tag.

3. Subscribe to The Daily Post so that you don’t miss out on weekly challenge announcements. Sign up via the email subscription link in the sidebar or RSS.

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Love

From WordPress:   Love. Can you believe we’ve never done this theme? I won’t give you any hints here. Amaze us with your own interpretation of LOVE. In a new post specifically created for this challenge, share a picture which means LOVE to you!

Love …

Outside a building in Asheville, NC

Outside a building in Asheville, NC

The theme is love ….. How could I not include photos of my hubby and kids??

love 2

My 3 loves ....  at a wedding.

My 3 loves …. at a wedding.

Another building in Asheville, NC

Another building in Asheville, NC

I think Asheville is a very romantic city ….  I can’t wait to go back!!  🙂

New to The Daily Post? Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals and give you another way to take part in Post a Day / Post a Week. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.

Here’s how it works:

1. Each week, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog (a new post!) anytime before the following Friday when the next photo theme will be announced.

2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos, title your blog post “Weekly Photo Challenge: (theme of the week)” and be sure to use the “postaday″ tag.

3. Subscribe to The Daily Post so that you don’t miss out on weekly challenge announcements. Sign up via the email subscription link in the sidebar or RSS.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond

From WordPressDo you have a photo which invites the viewer to look beyond? Are there hidden depths in the background? Is the focal point just a framing for the rest of the picture? If it’s not clear why we should look beyond, tell us! Lead us through the story in your photo.

In a new post specifically created for this challenge, share a picture which means BEYOND to you!

When I think ‘Beyond’, my mind immediately went to the top of a mountain.  This past year, I was on top of a few different mountains.

mt mitchell 1

From the top of Mt. Mitchell in North Carolina

Mt. Mitchell, North Carolina  Visited October, 2012

mt mitchell 2

Another view from Mt. Mitchell


From the top of Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN

From the top of Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN

Lookout Mountain.  Chattanooga, TN  Visited September, 2012

Lookout Mtn 2

Looking down from the top of the trolley on Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN


brasstown bald 1

From the top of Brasstown Bald, the highest point in GA

Brasstown Bald, near Helen, GA.  Visited in May, 2012 after our trip to Helen.

brasstown bald 2

Another view from the top of Brasstown Bald


New to The Daily Post? Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals and give you another way to take part in Post a Day / Post a Week. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.

Here’s how it works:

1. Each week, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog (a new post!) anytime before the following Friday when the next photo theme will be announced.

2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos, title your blog post “Weekly Photo Challenge: (theme of the week)” and be sure to use the “postaday″ tag.

3. Subscribe to The Daily Post so that you don’t miss out on weekly challenge announcements. Sign up via the email subscription link in the sidebar or RSS.



Snow Day!!!

When the meterologists were predicting snow, I didn’t believe them.  You tend not to when you live in the valley.  Usually it’s only the higher elevations that get the snow.

weather map

Schools let out early.  My office closed early.  And everyone was on the road at the same time trying to get home.  The interstate was a mess.  (Thankfully I took the back roads).


I must admit …. normally, I am not a fan of the snow at all.  For one thing, it’s cold.  But also, us Southern folk can’t drive in it.  It really just makes a mess of everything.  But days like today make me giddy.  Why?  It’s Thursday.  And I don’t have a thing on my work calendar tomorrow.  So if this ices over, it could very easily be a 4-day weekend!!!  Now that makes me happy!!!  🙂


Within 30 minutes, my deck was covered.


The kids LOVED it.   Not sure who was more excited …  them or me!


This was Lucy’s first real snow fall.  At first, she wasn’t sure what to do.  But she quickly learned how to form a snow ball and then throw them at her brother!!


But he was throwing them at ME!

snow covered trees

That’s the view past my driveway.  A winter wonderland.  So pretty!


The sunset tonight was amazing.  This picture doesn’t do it justice.  The snow clouds were so thick, but you can see the yellow peeking through the edge of the cloud cover, just over the ridge.  To the left, the sky was so red.  It was gorgeous.  But it was a view to be seen in person.  Cameras do have limits and this was one of them.

Question of the Day:  Do you like snow?  What’s your favorite thing to do on a snow day??  (I am predicting lots of board games and hot chocolate in my future.)


Last Things Thursday

I always love these fun little surveys.  When I saw that Katie at Katie Moves posted a Last Things Thusday on her blog, I wanted to do it too.  It’s similar to the one I posted a month ago.

1. Last thing on my iPod —

The Delta Saints ….  Just. Can’t. Get. Enough.

They will be in Knoxville on January 18th at Barleys!  I can’t wait!!




2. Last workout

I woke up with a massive sinus headache, so running was completely out of the question.  Every step I took, I felt it in my sinus cavity.  But the weather was so pretty and I really wanted to try out my new shoes.  (And my new compression pants!! -woop woop)!!

So I took a 3-mile walk around my [hilly] neighborhood, which felt pretty good.  And I got some natural Vitamin D!

new pants and shoes


3. Last cell phone picture

I just took it a few minutes ago.  Pogo was snuggling up to Luke this morning.


And last night I was posting pictures of him on Instagram.

sweet kitty

sweet kitty


4. Last book read

Well, I just finished my Nutrition class.  I read that whole book.  Does that count?  I don’t really have time for fiction right now.

nutrition book


5. Last snack


When I got back from my walk, I wanted something warm.  I was hoping we had one of those little instant Starbucks packets.  Instead, I found this.  It’s a coffee protein drink.  15 grams of protein and only 120 calories.  It says you can drink it hot or cold.  So I made it into hot chocolate.  I couldn’t get the powder to completely dissolve.  So there chunks.  And it didn’t really taste like hot chocolate.  It wasn’t bad.  But it wasn’t that good either.


Hubby was out of town last night.  With my sinus headache, I didn’t feel like cooking dinner for just the 3 of us.  So we went to Papa Murphy’s!  YUM.

xmas lights

Then we drove around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights, pointing out which decorations we liked the best.

Question of the Day:  Do you still exercise when you are sick?  Or do you take a rest day??



Weekend Recap: Christmas Party

I must apologize that I’m a little late in posting the Weekend Recap.  It’s been a cRaZy week at work (more on that later)!  I just didn’t want to miss out on sharing pics of the Christmas party we had.  On Saturday night, we hosted a get-together for our Life Group.


The kids decorated gingerbread houses and had a gift exchange.

gingerbread house

Luke was really excited about assembling the house until he saw there was going to be work involved.  First, you have make the icing, then hold the house together while the icing dries.  That was too much for a 7-year old.

cheese face

So hubby took over.

hard at work

If you’ll notice, none of the kids were actually assembling their houses.  It was a great idea in theory, but  I think next year we will try the Christmas Tree.  It is significantly easier to put together than the gingerbread house.


I love this pic of all the kids together.  They had such a good time!


I also took photos of all the families in front of the Christmas tree.  (I won’t post everyone’s pic since I didn’t ask permission first, but I thought they all turned out really well.)

That pretty much sums up the weekend.  I spent all day Saturday cleaning up the house and finishing my Christmas decorations.  Then I spent Sunday cleaning up after the party and resting up for a hard week at work.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Reflection

From WordPressReflections. This challenge is about using reflections in the composition of a shot. Reflections are all around us, whether they’re in a window, a puddle, a mirror, or another surface. They can dramatically affect the feeling and mood of a shot by creating a surreal sense of duality. Think of a city reflecting in a river, a crowd of people reflecting in the glass pane of a building, or — as in the shot I’ve chosen above — a landscape altered by the placement of a simple glass mirror.

Share a photo that means REFLECTIONS to you!


The first picture is the backyard of my aunt and uncle’s home.  Doesn’t it look like a picture on a puzzle?


Krutch Park, Knoxville TN


Bull Run in Oak Ridge, TN

New to The Daily Post? Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals and give you another way to take part in Post a Day / Post a Week. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.

Here’s how it works:

1. Each week, we’ll provide a theme for creative inspiration. You take photographs based on your interpretation of the theme, and post them on your blog (a new post!) anytime before the following Friday when the next photo theme will be announced.

2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos, title your blog post “Weekly Photo Challenge: (theme of the week)” and be sure to use the “postaday″ tag.

3. Subscribe to The Daily Post so that you don’t miss out on weekly challenge announcements. Sign up via the email subscription link in the sidebar or RSS.